Saturday, May 2, 2009

The Girl's Room

So we're going room by room, trying to get ourselves situated, so that we feel like we're actually accomplishing something. E's room isn't finished - her wall art is somewhere in the box abyss, but we're slowly making headway.

Here's what we have for now. The "Before Shot" - no carpet, and yes, they did paint the window green. Gotta love it.

And a couple "in process/maybe after depending how ambitious we get" pics:


Mommy of Four said...


Sara said...

Looks great and sounds like things are coming together for you guys very nicely! Andy and Jason talked last week at church, that will be a great neighborhood for you guys. If you are thinking of doing any landscaping changes, the garden club sale is lots of fun for perrenials, it's a big deal amongst the locals.

Anonymous said...

Oh so cute! I love the green!

Sheri said...

Thanks for the info., Sara. I'm not sure how much landscaping we'll be able to do this year, but certainly fun to check out!