Monday, August 18, 2008

Random Awesomeness

1. We got to see some friends from our old Bible Study group yesterday. It was fun. J is adorable and completely laid back, and E made herself at home at B's mother's house - trying to steal food whenever she could get it. And I only took two photos of the kids together. Two.

2. I'm addicted to the Olympics, and more specifically, the Phelps Phenomenon. Yay for eight gold medals.

3. I'm not impressed over the whole Russia/Georgia thing - especially during the Olympics when the world is supposed to be able to come together for a week or whatever it is.

4. L's leaving for DC in a couple of days, and will be gone for a week. I'm a little nervous trying to think about working, getting the kiddo ready for daycare and doing all of the chores around the house.

5. E's gonna miss her daddy. So will her mom.

6. I don't think many chores are going to get done. :)

7. E's new word is "water", except that it sounds like "wawa". Completely cute. She is talking so much now.

8. I got my haircut yesterday, and asked the hairstylist if she would like to come and style it every morning, as it's likely that it'll never look this good again. She said no.

9. E blows kisses whenever she says goodbye to her daycare worker. I like their relationship together (and the fact that our husbands work together).

10. I made cheesecake the other night (and it was GOOD), which happens to be L's favorite dessert. Am I the best wife ever or what? Never mind the fact that it's also my favorite dessert, and that I ate the majority of it...

11. I don't know why I've never made cheesecake before. It was easy and much cheaper.

12. L's been working a ton of hours this weekend, trying to get ready for his trip. I'm a little jealous of how close he'll be to the White House, etc, but will live vicariously through his photos.

13. I hardly ever water my plants anymore. How hard is it to remember to water once a week?!

14. E's discovered ketchup, and it looks like even green beans taste better with it.

15. There's an exercise class that I want to join - word on the street is that it's addictive. We'll see if that's true.

16. We watched the Saddleback forum with Obama and McCain, despite the criticism surrounding Rick Warren. Personally, the conversation was enjoyable to watch, and it seemed I liked a lot of what Obama said, and a lot of what McCain said. And some things I didn't like about both. Sigh.

17. E and I are loving the blueberries from the farmer's market. They are SO SO SO much better than the store bought berries.

18. E has learned how to smell flowers. Well, sometimes she gets it. Other times she confuses it with blowing her nose, and so you can imagine what comes out sometimes. Still, it's cute.

19. I'm so lazy today. Hence, two posts.

20. I promised E that we'd head to the beach after her nap, because it's been almost two weeks since we were there last, and it's HOT here. Now it's raining. Bummer. Ah well... off to find other equally fun activities for the kiddo.


Anonymous said...

What a lovely list! I agree with you on the Obama/McCain thing. I don't know what to do/think. I tend to like Obama's transparency a lot (but if he really being transparent, or just appearing that way, tricky politicians) - especially since he sought the faith community and had a closed door session with them and sought out an interview with my favorite magazine, Relevant. I just don't know though. :(

Also, I really really think you should read Cold Tangerines if you haven't already. One of the short stories are on Shauna Niequist's website, Needle and Thread is just amazing.

Sheri said...


Wow - what a great story - I see what you mean about crying! This book has been on my list to read, but just haven't done it. I think that story gave me the "oomph" I needed.

kristin said...

girl! how exciting. i bet e and j had lots of fun. isn't j just adorable. so smart- that kiddo.

i LOVEd this post

Amanda said...

don't worry about L leaving town and managing...everything works out one way or another. i remember the first time phil went out of town, i was freaking out, but it ended up being a little easier! =)

knittingma said...

Oh, we had so much fun with you guys! I'm glad we were able to hang out, if only for a short period of time. We actually just got home, and J crashed in his crib. It's crazy how much energy it takes to ride in the car all day long. :)

We're thinking of coming up again in a month/a couple of months. We'd love to get together again!