Wednesday, April 2, 2008


Seriously. I just love it. As soon as I see the sunshine, I perk up, and think of many ways to get outside.... even for a little while. This morning, after the kiddo's nap, I strapped her into the bike trailer and we headed out for a short ride. She appears to tolerate the trailer well, though we probably won't be doing any extended rides for a while until she gets a little more used to it. Not to mention I was sore from running and doing yoga yesterday, so we took it a little easy. :)

We're doing well, other than teething bouts and boycotting snow. The kiddo is learning how to communicate, which is a relief and exciting to see. She's learned how to "fake" laugh, and it's hilarious to hear her do it. Over and over.

L's heading downstate for work tomorrow, so it'll be a long day for him. He's also thinking about doing a photography class this summer through the local community college. He gets four credits free since he's teaches at the college. He did take a photography class several years ago in college, but he's hoping this will "force" him to take it more seriously. He's pretty talented and enjoys it, so I hope he goes for it.

Anyway, this is it. Get outside! Today's too beautiful to sit reading this!