Saturday, March 29, 2008

Time of Refreshing

As a child, I couldn't stand playing by myself. My mom would ask, "You should have imaginary friends to play with." Truth be told, my imaginary friends didn't like me. Or I didn't like them. Whatever the case, our friendships didn't work out, so I'd beg my sister and brothers to play with me. Mostly just my sister. It drove her crazy. I just could NOT play alone.

Fast forward many years to married life and a child. Now I don't get enough alone alone time. Meaning, time to myself for myself.... and I miss it sometimes. Tonight, after the kiddo went to sleep, I decided to go for a bike ride. It was such a peaceful ride... the sun was setting... it was quiet... there were deer watching me watching them... and a ride to the beach was exactly what the doctor ordered.

I stopped for a moment to take in the quiet, and the beauty. Boy, there is a lot of beauty in this world, despite the ugliness all around us. There is still purity in this world - from the perfect sunset to the sound of a bird's song. The artistry of our Creator astounds me every time.

Moments like that reminds me of the vastness of this world, and how small I am in all of it. Despite my small role in this life, God everything about me.... down to the number of hairs on my head. God, the creator of the Heavens and Earth, listens and answers every prayer that I pray. Every laugh that I laugh. Every tear that is shed. What an awesome God we serve.

It was a lovely and refreshing time, and I'm glad to be home. There's a lot of beauty here too. :)