Monday, August 31, 2009

On The Last Day of August

We scored some basil at the farmer's market the other day, so we made some pesto. I love me some pesto pasta. I was able to freeze some, but boy, it takes a lot of basil to make pesto in large quantities. Ah well.

We went to the beach today to meet some friends, and one of the moms there had five children. All by herself. What I mean is that she was managing five children all by herself at the beach. How she managed to make sure none of them drowned or hurt on the playground is beyond me. I could barely manage two. Maybe it does get easier as you have more (that's what she told me!). We're not going to have five to find out. :)

Speaking of managing two kiddos, L leaves for South Africa in two weeks. I'm excited for him to go. He, his sister and her husband are going for two weeks. It's been eight years since he was there last, and even longer for his sister, so it's definitely worth the financial sacrifice for them to go. I'm nervous to be in charge 24/7, but I know God will give me strength and grace, and lots of friends and family have offered to help.

My little sister has also just left for her schooling downstate, so I am once again feeling old! My sister is all grown up, and living on her own all by herself. She has such a great attitude about it - I just know she will learn so much in this adventure. She adapts to change so well, and is pretty positive about it, so lots of good memories will be made. She has taught me that much of life is what you make of it. Focus on the negative and that is all you will see. See the positive and you will see all of the blessings around you.

My blessing today is a clean house and good beach time. We're trying to squeeze every last ounce of summer that we can, though I always look forward to the autumn too.

Goodbye, August!


Anonymous said...

Ooooo the beach! I miss it this summer! And that is a massive bunch of basil! I love making pesto to freeze. Hopefully I can plant some next year... Here's to hoping for no drought again next summer.

What is L going to S Africa for?