Monday, June 15, 2009

Oh, Hello Compost Bin

You know, now that we're in a house, one of the first things we (I) wanted to do was set up a compost bin. Maybe there's a little bit of my father's blood in me (he's a big gardener), but I've been talking about it for two months now.

Composting is great for a few reasons. First and foremost, it's a great way to reduce landfill waste. It's a simple frugal way for us save a little of money, as we pay per trash bag and it creates free potting soil for us to use. Lastly, it's a great and easy way to show a little love for your garden, lawn, etc.

We decided to go the simple route in making a compost bin, because we're newbies. We used this guide, and it was incredibly easy and cheap to do. It cost us less than $10 to get started!

It's amazing how many items can be put in your compost bin! Here's a great list that covers what can and can't be used. I am already thinking that this is really going to reduce our landfill consumption - yay!

On a completely off topic, but in the spirit of my last post on gratitude, here's my ongoing list:

4. Smiling babes
5. A great worship service yesterday
6. That I still have two weeks to be home with both kiddos.


Anonymous said...

Yay for compost bins! I love ours - it really cut down on our trash output. We usually only have one small bag a week now . . . amazing!

And your son is just so sweet - what a great smile!