Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Back to the Grind

This was random shot of E when we were having craft time over the holidays. She got some fun craft items, and has spent a lot of time at the table... not eating, mind you, but creating art.

Anyway, this was my second day back at work since the break. Sunday was pretty emotional for me. I went to church completely sad that the next day E would be in daycare, and I would be away from her. For some reason it felt much more traumatic than my very first day of work. I was holding back tears the entire day. Of course, Monday did come, E waved goodbye when L was taking her to daycare, and gave me kisses. I was convinced she was going to cry for me, since she was pretty clingy over the week.

L told me later that she cheered and clapped when they pulled into the daycare worker's driveway. Hmph.

So it wasn't as traumatic as I pictured, thankfully, and we're back into the groove. The break was SO nice, though - we all had a restful time. Plus, I'm now an old woman at the age of 28, so I need all the rest I can get. :) Hope that you all had a restful holiday season, too.

Anyway, I'm exhausted readjusting to our wake up time, so here's an easy list of my life:

Reading: "Under the Overpass" - I'm hooked. More on this later. Just read it.
Listening: Bebo Norman's new CD... but I don't remember what it is. It's good though.
Craving: Fruit again. Blackberries. Yum.
Loving: My new crockpot. Simple pleasures.
Sad: That we had to put one of our kitties to sleep the day after my birthday. :*(


Mommy of Four said...

What????? what cat did you have to put down? The one that kept blowing up with fluid????? Sorry to hear....as much as I hate my cats, I will be very sad when that day comes, too.

Sheri said...

Yes, Phoebe was put down on Sunday, because she had a tumor on her kidneys. We knew it was coming, so it wasn't really traumatic, but sad nonetheless.

Jennifer said...

I am sorry to hear about your kitty... I didn't even know you had cats! Did i tell you that we have decided to get a kitten? I hope it is a good idea!
Hope you enjoy being back at work! Let me know if you want to get together on your day off...

kristin said...

you know what? i was thinking it was probably phoebe, but i'm glad that you guys could handle it well. so sad.

you're not an old lady, either- you're pregnant! (silly!)

sounds like you guys are doing something right with *e*- she is confident about herself to go there and i'm sure she gets super excited when you go pick her up.

Heather in Bloom said...

Oh my, I'm so sorry to hear about your cat.

Take heart... I happen to be 28 too and I'm certainly not an old lady. So neither are you :)
(i didn't mean for that to rhyme, but it worked out pretty nicely)