Tuesday, December 30, 2008

And the Motivation Keeps On Coming

More proof that our kiddo walks in small amounts of snow.

For some reason this is such a big deal. Kids can get very heavy when they're bundled up, plus carrying whatever it is I need to take with me. So, good job, E!! Keep it up!!

So this break has been pretty productive, thankfully. This is what we've done so far:

1. Found places to put E's toys. I don't know if this is a challenge to anyone else, but wow, this took a little while. Still, we conquered.
2. Cleared out our "family" closet (yes, there is only one big closet for all three of us to share), and found space for #2's stuff.
3. Went through E's dresser and found a way to condense her clothing down to three drawers, thus creating two drawers for #2.
4. Organized E's clothing totes downstairs so that a friend of ours can borrow them. This is going to create so much more space there!
5. Play. Come on, E and I are on vacation, and we're going to enjoy it!!

What we're still doing/plan to do:
1. We've been stripping the border off of the wall in our room for some time without much success. I think they superglued it to the wall or something. L read somewhere that vinegar and water is a great wall paper stripper. Oh, vinegar, now I love you even more...
2. Paint our room.
3. Play some more.


kristin said...

i've done the vinegar and water thing before.. depending on the paper, you may have to let it sit for a couple minutes. it DID work, though- so good luck! your little cutie is adorable. i'm sure #2 will be great, too!

Sheri said...

We've been doing it and wow... it was so much easier than the "special" wall paper stuff we bought.