Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Life in a Nutshell

Sorry that it's been a while since I've posted. Life has been pretty busy in our neck of the woods. We had a nice Labor Day weekend - we saw J and A and the rest of the fam, saw some childhood friends, saw more family, went for a bike ride, and had a beach day with some friends.

Speaking of a beach day with friends, this is a pic of E and M in the approximate place that M's parents, K and R, got married a few years back. We met K and R through church, when R and I were both pregnant. Here we are over a year later, and these two have become good friends. They're even starting to interact a little, and that's been a joy to see.

Today is L's first day of class for the semester. He's teaching an Engineering class at the community college. Last year was his first year teaching the class, and it was pretty chaotic and a lot of preparation. We're hoping that this year is different, as he could use his notes from the first class.

L's trip to DC went well, though he calculated that they worked 87 hours in one week. Yikes. E and I made it through the trip unscathed, and even got into a routine. Hats off to single moms - you are pretty amazing to handle such a difficult task.

Anyway, E would carry L's backpack and say "Daddy" over and over. It was cute and sad. She also learned how to take a phone and say, "Hi, Dad!" when he would call. She's been putting two words together more often since then, and it's great being able to communicate more.

As far as my job and daycare goes, things are going well. It's been a month, and things are in a routine for the most part. Work has gotten significantly busier with the school year starting, so that was a little overwhelming last week. I got my first paycheck on Friday, and it's strange how proud I was to feel like I could help out a little bit financially.

E has enjoyed daycare, and actually, I'm convinced it's helped her sleep in other places. We stayed at L's parents house over the weekend. And she slept all night. And took a nap the next day. What?!! She would have never done this before. So, I guess in that way, daycare has helped her branch out of her only napping at home shell. :)

Well, it appears that I had a lot to say. :) Now that I've prattled on, I should get off and get some chores done. Hope that you all had a lovely and relaxing weekend!