Sunday, September 7, 2008

Happy Weekend To You!

I've gotten back into the groove of working out, now that we've settled into a routine with daycare, work, etc. When I was training for the triathlon, back in the spring, I was consistently working out five or six days a week. What confuses me is this: everyone talks about how exercising gives you energy, but it just seems to make me exhausted and sleep like a baby. While I like sleeping, I also want that energy people talk so much about. Any thoughts? Am I just meant to be a tired person?

With harvest season underway, we've been eating variations of vegetable dishes, and they are yummy. Last night I made up a concoction of zucchini, eggplant, red onion, tomato with olive oil, oregano and garlic sprinkled on it. It was GOOD. I am going to be so sad when the farmer's market ends, and we'll have to go back to the supermarket to rely on whatever produce I didn't freeze this year.

On the subject of food, we have had a breakthrough with E's relationship with meat. We've been eating a lot of salmon as of late, and we put a little bit on her plate, as we're always hoping she'll try something new and like it. She ate it, thought about it for a second, and wanted more. And more. More good news: yesterday she ate several little pieces of chicken, without any breading and any sauce. We did a dance around the room, I was so happy. :)

On that wonderful bit of news, I'll close this post with the picture below. E had a blast with T, the son of a couple in our bible study. She absolutely adored everything he did, and when he would try to sit up in the chair, she would "push" him back down. :) She is also saying "cheese" in this picture. Cute.


Anonymous said...

When I work out regularly, I'm exhausted all the time too. . . I really need to get back into it - there's a 5K in November that may be good motivation to start again. :)

Way to start E out young on good food! I love hearing stories about kids eating non-kid food. Gives me hope for when Jason and I have kiddos.

Sheri said...

Hmm... maybe I am just meant to be tired. :( I'm thinking about doing a 5k as well - you know, the motivation thing. :)

E gets her share of kid food (especially at daycare), but eats a lot of non-kid food, too. Trying to find that balance.

kristin said...

hey girl. just read an article (sort of) from runner's world. it talks about getting enough iron for energy. not that you're anemic, but maybe in need of some more of that?

miss ya

Unknown said...

Hello Sheri!! I am not sure if you still are journaling... but I was looking through my favorites folder at work and came across this link. :o) Once again I will tell you that I just love your pics and your posts! They are all beautiful, but of course this one caught my eye - cuz of Trever & Eden.. I remember this day - and she was so adorable. It just brought a smile to my face and wanted to share that with you! I am so sorry we never got together during the summer... I do hate it how time flies and so much goes undone... I am really sorry about that. Please know that you and your sweet family are thought of very often and that you are missed.

In Christ's love... Laurie