Friday, May 2, 2008


Watching Lost always makes me a little nostalgic (until I get frustrated with the storyline anyway). We've always been faithful viewers of the show. In fact, our dear friends, T & B, used to record the show back when we didn't have television (it was an intentional decision on our part) just so that we could watch it. They'd tell us if it was a good episode, and whenever we'd get together the conversation inevitably drifted back to the show for a little while...

So maybe that's why I'm nostalgic tonight. Isn't it strange how your senses can take you back to a different place in your life? You know, back to moments that seem like a lifetime ago? Really, it wasn't that long ago that we were living downstate, but it feels like it was forever ago. Perhaps that is because so much has changed for us since then (moving, quitting my job, having a babe, selling our house, moving again).

We're very grateful for our lives here... we don't regret the move at all. We love the simplicity of life, how much slower paced our life has become, being closer to family, meeting the lovely people here... but I guess you can still love where you are and miss where you've been.

We joined our first small group together shortly after we married. It was mostly to plug into our large church, and meet some friends. What seemed like awkward beginnings really developed in a core group of dear friends. This is a large reason why I am such a firm believer in small group - we walked through many moments together, both good and bad... each and every week... you can't help but build a bond. We broke bread together (a lot), we shared our testimonies... we cried... we laughed (a lot)... we read some amazing books... had good worship (thanks, T)... We experienced job losses and jobs found, pregnancy, births, divorce, emotional issues, death, sold houses, life transitions... Of course, after meeting for over three years, you just experience life, and it's comforting to know you have a support system behind you.

One memory that will always be vivid for me was the day our house sale fell through. It was September, and life was just happening, and we didn't see a sale happening anytime soon. We weren't even planning a move at that point, when voila, this guy wanted to buy our house. My hopes soared, and dashed within a few days. I was so crushed... I was in tears, and just wanted to stay in bed, but was supposed to meet with a couple of the ladies from our group. L told me that I needed to go, and so I did... they encouraged me above and beyond... they held up my arms, when I was too weak to do so.

They were our home away from home. God used them to help me heal, grow, and develop into who I am... They'll always be part of our family, an extension of who we are, and are a part of who we become.

So, thank you, J & J, T & B, K & C, D & H, for sweet memories along our journey. We love you guys.